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Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

The History Of The Gingerbread House -

The Greatest Confectionery Construction


Every holiday, families construct one of the most edible architectural structures: the Gingerbread House. Crisp cookie walls and a roof decorated with icing, gumdrops, and an assortment of candy are markers of the iconic holiday treat. Although the exact origins are unclear, the gingerbread house continues to be a part of many households’ Christmas traditions.

Buildings of Birmingham, Alabama, Blog Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Photo by American Public Gardens Association

The Buildings of Birmingham


The beautiful city of Birmingham is home to a wealth of unique and historic spaces that serve our community with their many activity opportunities, from exotic zoos to shopping malls and expansive parks. First up on ADA’s Birmingham Building Series features are the Riverchase Galleria, the Birmingham Zoo, the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, as well as one of the area’s most famous parks.

Photo by AMD Creative

What to Expect with ADA


Every artist, scientist, engineer and creator has a specific process they follow when working on projects. Whether creative or scientific, these processes lay the foundation on which all creations are built on. Architects are no different, yet the process we follow is not a linear one.

Photo by Flickr

Heaviest Corner on Earth


Move over New York — the city of Birmingham has an architectural claim to fame that some might call more impressive than the Empire State Building. Magic City is home to the ‘Heaviest Corner on Earth,’ a crucial indicator of the development of downtown Birmingham. The corner of 20th Street and 1st Avenue North boasts the title, so given in the early 20th century when four of the South’s tallest buildings were erected in the area between 1902 and 1912.


“During this time, Adams Design Associates has consistently met deadlines and produced high quality drawings. They work extremely well with the State Department of Public Health, including making timely and complete submittals, and being prepared for final inspections.”

–A corporate client